The District is contracting with various parties for goods and services.
Submit questions to procurement@frprdistrict.com.

Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (BidNet)
The District has joined the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System, an online procurement notification system utilized by multiple governmental entities. Participating entities post their bids, quotes, proposals, addendums, and awards on this one centralized system.
Current Opportunities
Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOC) for Professional Services
The Front Range Passenger Rail District solicited proposals for the following services: (1) Planning and Project Development, (2) Environmental, (3) Coalition Building, (4) Marketing and Communications, and (5) Funding Strategy and Financial Modeling. Four of the five categories have been finalized. New proposals are not being accepted at this time.
Update as of June 14, 2024
Scope Category 1: Planning and Project Development Services
The District issued a notice of intent to award contracts to the following firms/teams:
HDR Engineering
Scope Category 2: Environmental Services
Due to the passage of SB24-184 Support Surface Transportation Infrastructure Development, the District is suspending its procurement of Environmental Services. This legislation requires the District to enter into an agreement with CDOT and RTD to deliver rail service along the Front Range. Following partner negotiations, this procurement may resume, or it may be suspended indefinitely.
Scope Categories 3 and 4: Coalition Building, Marketing and Communication Services
The District issued a notice of intent to award contracts to the following firms/teams:
Novitas Communications
Linhart PR
CDR (Prime) with subs: Community Language Cooperative; Equity Policy Solutions; Poala Interpreting Services; Sean Walsh Consulting; Taloma Partners
HDR Engineering
Communication Infrastructure Group
​The FRPR District anticipates utilizing these firms in different capacities and at varying times over the next three years.
Scope Category 5: Funding Strategy and Financial Modeling Services
The District selected Ernst & Young Infrastructure Advisors to complete Funding Strategy and Financial Modeling Services. At this point in time, the FRPR District is awarding only one contract for this category.
September 11 Pre-Proposal Meeting
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming procurement events at this time.